Silambam - சிலம்பாட்டம்



The martial art of Silambattam is one of the best ancient martial arts. This art form, which has a history of several thousand years, is still immortalized as a twin child who was born with Tamils. Create an opportunity at your festivals and invite the rich thing of its specialty. We have the best artists



Silambattam is a favorite Tamil art even on air. Even the wind sings the song around the silambam. These are experiences to be enjoyed 9884436365-9884403648

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Performing arts

Performing arts theatre

This art gallery teaches many traditional arts and follows a long tradition to the extent that everyone remembers bharatha kalai koodam as a traditional cultural event.

Performing arts centre

We want to preserve the traditional arts and create opportunities for all of us to create opportunities for the best trained artists by contacting bharatha kalai koodam.

Performing arts centre

We are pleased to announce that all kinds of traditional artists are under the umbrella of bharatha kalai koodam

satta king